The Wild Garden
Location: Rotterdam, NL
Year: 2018
Type: Folly, public space
Status: Graduation thesis
A wooden walkway encircling the wasteland becomes the site where the advanced stage of wilderness is celebrated and cultivated, a place for humans and plants. An enclosed garden symbolizing paradise. It refers to the typology of cloister (a covered walk, open gallery, or open arcade) surrounding an inner courtyard, which is the heart of a monastery. In this case the enclosed garden, the wild garden, will be the heart of the industrial area Vierhaven were a lot of different actors are working but do not have common place for encounter. The Wild Garden will function as a community space for them to hold different events or as place for play and reflection. The platforms inside the enclosure that make these activities and experiences possible are referring to the four elements: platform of fire, platform of water, platform of wind and the earth which is the ground itself. Through the experience of the four elemental elements awareness is pointed to our natural environment and our existential self of being part of nature.
The wooden walkway, the cloister, marks the landscape, but it does not close of from its surroundings. The open structure allows the connection between the inner world and the external world. The enclosure, the walkway is shaped as a circle which allows to walk continuously on the edge between inside and outside. Symbolizing the cycle of life. The temporal wooden structure can be built by local actors as the wood workshop next to it. The garden can be maintained by local actors such as the community of the Voedseltuin.
Water place – reflection. The water place is a natural equilibrium basin. The idea is that when it rains water can flow naturally and will be stored underground. When water is needed the handpump serves as a mechanism to circulate the water.
Fire place – gathering, BBQ. The small amfi-theatre around the fireplace is for gathering, presentations, but also a place to barbecue with local people of the area.
Wind place – play. A platform with swings to enjoy the moments and sensory experience in and with the air.
Earth – the center of the enclosed space. Different events can be held here such as sculpture expositions, small parties and gatherings, open air restaurant with cooking from the garden etc.